Sunday, June 13, 2010

"Is this my Ho-Ho hat?"

Okay, so crocheting is a big time hobby of mine. I wish I could just crochet all day everyday and have people buy my stuff! But in order to do that I have to show people what I've got!

So here is my first crochet related blog post!

Around winter time, I wanted my son to have something warm, but cute to wear as a hat. He is very picky when it comes to what he wears. So I asked him, "What kind of hat do you want Boog?" And he jumps up and down and yells, "Please can I have a ho-ho hat?" I thought it was adorable. So I told him ABSOLUTELY!

So I crocheted this little number up for the baby:

He tried it on and said to me, "Mommy, is this my Ho-Ho hat?" I said Yes, and he said, "Well, I like it. But you know what? It'd look better in black. Make me a black Ho-Ho hat." Throws the hat at my yarn bin and takes off giggling to go play with his grandpa and uncles.

*facepalm* This kid's a nut.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jezebel's Head

When I was... Well, let's say 12?

Anyways, so I was 12 years old and my mother and stepfather were very religious and they said NO HALLOWEEN! I was not pleased, as this was the first year they abolished Halloween from our house! Instead we had to attend "Angel's Night" at our church. My little brothers were shepherds. What was I? Go ahead. Ask.

My mom dressed me as JEZEBEL.


In case you don't know the story of Jezebel:

Jezebel was a Phoenician princess, daughter of Ethbaal, King of the Sidonians (Phoenicians) and the wife of Ahab, king of north Israel.

Jezebel was confronted by some guy wanting the throne after Ahab dies. He had her thrown her out of a window, trampled by horses, and eaten by dogs. Only her head, her feet, and her hands were left behind.

Her original name translates to "the Virgin of Baal", yet they changed it by adding a letter to mean "the whore of Baal".

You can find this in 1st and 2nd Kings.

These days to be compared to, or called a "Jezebel" it means you are either pagan, promiscuous, or both and either way are damned to Hell.

Something tells me I was not my mother's favorite child.